Min-sang, a meticulous planner and tidy single man, is frustrated daily by his tenant, Jin-young, a veterinarian who turns his newly mortgaged building into a mess. During another quarrelsome day with Jin-young, Min-sang encounters an elderly lady at the animal hospital, who turns out to be the world-renowned architect Min-seo. Desperate for Min-seo’s approval for an ongoing project, Min-sang starts to persuade Jin-young and her cared-for puppy to impress Min-seo. Meanwhile, Hyun, the leader of a small band, is left bewildered while looking after his absent girlfriend’s dog, especially when her ex-boyfriend Daniel shows up unexpectedly, demanding to see the dog, claiming he used to raise it together and insisting on visiting the dog once a month…
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Watch Dog Days (2024) Full Movie Online Streaming Eng Sub Download 123Movies
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Tagline:What you haven’t seen, dogs are dope in this film
Quality: HD
Year: 2024
Duration: 120 Min
Director:Kim Deok-min